
We value our members and their stories. Whether you have been working out for years or for the first time, we are proud to be a part of your journey. Read on to hear from some of our members!

Justin Grimball

I am 33, I co-own Jalapeños and have been doing CrossFit for over 5 years. Before CrossFit, “Old Grimball” was a fat a$$ and did nothing. New “still slightly fat” Gball is more active and able to enjoy activities. I can do things with my kids without feeling like I’m going to pass out. I was extremely anxious and scared about trying CrossFit because everyone looked so fit and in way better shape than I did. I always told myself, when I lose X number of pounds I would try CrossFit. Until one day I just said screw it and made the jump. It was the best decision of my life…. ok second best…marrying my wife was first. I have lost almost 200 pounds…

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Karah Sims

 I wish that I could say I have some really exciting background, but I cannot. I am just like the majority of the people that will read this testimonial. I grew up in an athletic-centered environment. I played every sport that was offered. I made a slight run as a decent basketball player but battled with injuries my entire career. I had to make the decision to walk away from the sport I loved, in 2007, because my body could not keep up.

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Nikki Bechtel

My name is Nikki Bechtel, I’m 38 and I am a second-grade teacher. I was an athlete through high school, playing volleyball, basketball and soccer. I also ran hurdles on our track and field team. I danced from 5-17. I went through a pretty inactive period from 21-28 and didn’t return to any sort of fitness until I had Aiva. I was fairly active in a local gym doing Body pump for about three years and then burned out and had more babies. I started CrossFit, finally, when my youngest had just turned 4.

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Justin Grider

My name is Justin Grider, I’m 28 years old and I’m a Wildlife Biologist. I grew up playing sports and staying active but never established a good fitness routine after high school. With my ten year high school reunion fast approaching, I was in the worst shape of my life. After repeated invitations from Coach Austin Ray, I gave in back in January and tried Crossfit for the first time.

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Wade Langer

My name’s Wade Langer.  As a 34-year-old campus minister at Bama Wesley and an adjunct professor at the University of Alabama, I would never have imagined myself being someone who does CrossFit.  While I have been active all my life— playing baseball and soccer, running, biking, and doing body-weight exercises— I never thought about CrossFit.

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Daniela Susnara

Hello! My name is Daniela Susnara. I am a 25-year-old graduate student at the University of Alabama. I am currently pursuing my doctorate in Kinesiology with a concentration in Health Promotion. While I am not doing research, school work or completing my Graduate Assistant duties, I volunteer as the head coach for the UA men’s rowing club. While the sport of rowing is not popular in the south, ironically it is the reason I came to Alabama. I was recruited out of high school to row on UA’s women’s rowing team.

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Matthew Griffitt

My name is Matthew Griffitt, and I am 22 years old and entering my senior year at The University of Alabama and I’m also a coach at CrossFit RTR.  I first started CrossFit the Spring Semester of my freshman year.  I was attending Berry College where I had played football in the previous fall but had decided […]

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Jennifer Ray

My name is Jennifer Ray.  I am 43 years old and teach 4th grade at Faucett-Vestavia Elem. When I was younger, I was very active.  I was a cheerleader in high school, and most days you could find me in a gym during my free time.  It was easy when it was just me, but […]

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Tim Floyd

Sup! My name is Tim Floyd. I will soon be 57 years young. This is my crossfit story! ​ I started crossfit last November so I’m a veteran of only 7 months. I have to give most of the credit for walking in the door to my wonderful wife, Amy, who has been crossfitting for […]

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Amy Floyd

Hi my name is Amy Floyd and I am 53 years old. I started CrossFit a little less than two years ago following an accident to my knee that resulted in two surgeries and five months of physical therapy. When I walked into the gym the first time at CrossFit RTR I was extremely doubtful that I would be able to do the workouts because I was overweight, badly out of shape and I had one knee that would only bend 90 degrees. Even though I was extremely intimidated that very first time I walked into the gym I have to say it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made!

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Dayna Roberts

Fitness for anyone should be a continuous journey, and everyone’s journey will look different.  No matter the path you are on, we all face challenges, accomplish goals, and even experience setbacks.  These could be as simple as schedule conflicts preventing you from training routinely, to as great as having an injury.  It could even involve self-doubt or loss of drive to keep pushing forward.  The end goal will always be the same. To be a better YOU than yesterday.

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Cody Rice

My name is Cody Rice. I am 31 years old and I work as a changeover specialist on night shift at Phifer Inc. I grew up playing sports and being fairly active. In my twenties I began to get lazy physically. After work I would just come home and sit on the couch and mindlessly eat and snack on whatever I wanted. All my clothes had gotten too small and I always felt tired. My blood pressure had gotten way too high and my doctor placed me on medication.

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Jared Roggli

Hey everyone! My name is Jared Roggli and I’m a 31-year-old youth pastor at Alberta Baptist Church, where I have served for almost four years now. I grew up playing sports and doing Taekwondo, and in college and grad school developed an interest in weightlifting and fitness. 

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Brittany Shamblin

As a teen, I was active and was always very skinny even though I ate terrible. After high school I started experiencing constant back pain, headaches, and weight loss. A combination of stress and terrible eating habits were catching up with me at only 18 years old. I was oblivious that it was my nutrition.

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